Rail Transit Transformer Fluorescent Optical Fiber Thermostat

Project information:Xuzhou Metro Line 3,It is the third subway line under construction in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China., Construction started on August 29, 2016 ,The first phase of the project is planned to be put into operation in April 2021, Logo color is blue。 The first phase of Xuzhou Metro Line 3 is a north-south auxiliary backbone line,The northern end starts from Xiadian Station,沿下淀路—大庆路—复兴路—下穿古黄河—淮塔东路—解放南路—北京路—长江西路—黄山路—银山路走行途经徐州火车站淮海广场中国矿业大学铜山新区止于连霍高速公路南侧的麦楼社区一期全长约18.3公里徐州地铁3号线的建设在既有骨干轨道网络基础上扩展线网加强“双心”组团与各外围组团的轨道联系加密轨道线网密度和覆盖范围提高轨道交通的服务和水平加强主城区轨道线网与都市区外围组团的联系合理衔接轨道线网与都市圈城市轨道交通

Project name:徐州轨道交通3号线一期工程供电系统



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